The Corvair Ranch began on its current site as a hobby by John Goulden, in the early 70's. In 1975 Jeff Stonesifer (the current owner) started working with Corvairs and began his involvement with John. It later became apparent that the hobby had the makings of a potential business, so in 1986, Jeff took ownership of the property and officially started the Corvair Ranch. The business continues to flourish as a full-time Corvair repair and parts business.
The Corvair Ranch, Inc. displays some impressive statistics. Over 600 Corvair cars, trucks, and Ultravans are located on the property along with six tractor trailers full of heavy drivetrain parts including Powerglide and three and four speed transmissions as well as differentials, axles, and body panels of all descriptions. Five buildings provide further parts storage, office, and service space.
Within the main four-bay service building, all models of Corvair can be completely serviced from the smallest early convertible to twenty-four foot long Ultravans, and everything in between. Several members of the staff are also certified PA State inspection mechanics. Complete Corvair-only service has been the mainstay of the Corvair Ranch since its conception.
Services provided by the Corvair Ranch, Inc. include upholstery, mechanical, paint, and complete rebuilding of Corvairs as well as machine shop for full remanufacturing of engines. Additionally, the Corvair Ranch has served customers in the past by helping them to buy and sell their Corvairs to other enthusiasts.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Revised & Amended Oct 2005
The Purpose of this manual is to provide a unified and easily understandable set of rules and guidelines to enable and ensure the following:
(1) Profitability of business operations
(2) Fair treatment of customers
(3) Fair and lawful treatment of employees
(4) A safe working environment
It is the purpose of the Corvair Ranch, Inc. to provide the following services for Corvair vehicles:
(a) Service, not limited to, but including:
routine maintenance, rebuilding, restoration and
modification, and State Inspection of Corvair vehicles.
(b) Sale of New, reproduction, used, reconditioned and/or
repaired parts and sub-assemblies.
(c) Machine shop services for the restoration or repair
of customer's vehicles and/or parts owned by customers.
(d) Body shop services for the restoration or repair of
customer's vehicles and/or parts owned by customers.
It shall not be construed in any way that the services of the Corvair Ranch, Inc are limited to the above descriptions, however, they are a description of the regular operations covered by this manual. Other services may be provided at the discretion of the management.
(1) Profitability of Business operations:
The goal of the Corvair Ranch, Inc., is to always operate at profitable levels. This
insures the continued operation of the facilities, the expansion of the business as needed,
the repair, maintenance, and timely replacement of tools, equipment, and other
implements and equipment necessary to provide proper day-to-day operations in a safe
and orderly way. This also provides a stable-working environment for Management and
staff. To enable profitability, Management establishes the following policies:
(Ia) All parts and services will be sold at a profit, markup to be determined by
demand and set by Management.
(Ib) Used parts, obtained from vehicles and/or assemblies owned by
the Corvair Ranch, Inc. shall be priced as to their market value as determined
by either competing sellers or local demand as determined by Management.
(Ie) All used parts, when used in the repair/restoration of customer's vehicles
will have the labor cost of repair/reconditioning/restoration added to their "base"
price as determined above.
(Id) All new parts, purchased from local or specialty vendors will be sold
at a standardized markup to be determined by Management.
(Ie) All original "NOS" parts will be priced at current market and not
sold at discount. Prices to be determined by management considering
market variables of scarcity/desirability/demand.
(If) All parts purchased by employees from either local vendors or
specialty suppliers and billed through the Corvair Ranch, Inc will be sold
"cost plus" a small markup determined by Management to cover expenses
of handling and processing those orders.
(Ig) The Corvair Ranch, Inc. will have first right of refusal on any items
offered by any vendor or individual.
(Ih) The Corvair Ranch, Inc. will receive payment in full before any completed
work leaves the premises unless the customer has an established account with
the Corvair Ranch, Inc. and has properly and completely satisfied previous
(2) The Fair treatment of Customers: Customer's Rights & Responsibilities.
The goal of the Corvair Ranch, Inc. is to provide services that satisfy the customer's
needs and to receive prompt payment for those services. To insure the fair treatment of
both customers and the Corvair Ranch, Inc., the following policies will be in effect:
(2a) The customer has the right to expect competent, proper and careful work
on his/her vehicle done in accordance with agreed upon terms (see Customer's
work order form CR1 for details) and completed within a reasonable time frame
mutually agreed upon by the customer and the Corvair Ranch, Inc.
(2b) The Corvair Ranch, Inc. will provide to the customer a written estimate,
agreed upon and signed by both the Corvair Ranch, Inc and the customer before
any work in excess of $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) is commenced. This
estimate shall be on standard form CRt and must be signed by Management of
the Corvair Ranch, Inc. and the customer.
(2c) No work in excess of $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) will be commenced
without a deposit in the form of cash, check or credit card payment, in an amount
equal to one third ofthe original estimate, unless such work is to be completed
and paid for on the same day commenced, IE: customer waiting on premises. If
the estimate exceeds $3000.00, an additional one third of original or amended
work order amount will be due and payable upon the completion of !h of the work
requested. The fmal one third will be due and payable within (10) ten days upon
the completion of the work as specified in form CR1 and/or amended copies.
(2d) It shall be agreed that as per estimate on form CR1 that:
Due to the nature of work performed on automobiles manufactured previous
to 1969, conditions that effect the repair and/or restoration of these vehicles
and estimates given thereon are estimates of a tentative nature. Upon further
disassembly or examination of the vehicle or sub-assembly (engine, transmission,
differential, etc) additional costs may be incurred in their restoration/repair which
may revise the original estimate provided to and agreed upon by both the
customer and the Corvair Ranch, Inc. Should these conditions occur, any
subsequent charges to perform the additional work required will be agreed upon
by both parties before the additional work is performed. This agreement will be
communicated in the form of an amended work order (form CRt) and signed by
both parties. Any additional funds needed to provide the (one third) proper
deposit will be submitted with the signed and amended form (CR1)
(2e) The customer shall be provided with an itemized accounting of all work
performed, including hours used and rate, all parts installed or provided, (All
parts provided by the customer shall be itemized and noted on original estimate)
and all materials used (example: paint, body repair supplies). All replaced parts
will be returned to the customer if requested unless they have a previously
agreed upon core value, which shall be clearly listed on the itemized bill.
(2f) Upon tendering of the estimate, and agreement of tentative completion date,
deposit must be received within (14) calendar days or customer's vehicle must be
removed from the Corvair Ranch, Inc property unless storage has been previously
agreed upon and specified on the estimate form. Storage fees may be assessed
and, if not paid within agreed time period, a mechanic's lien will be filed. Storage
fees will accrue as follows: Outdoor storage on property-$1.00 per day, Inside
(covered) storage $3.00 per day. Storage fees must be paid in the form of cash,
money order or other secure funds not subject to contest or cancellation. No
checks will be accepted for storage fees. If a mechanic's lien is filed, the customer
will satisfy all costs involved before vehicle is removed from the premises of The
Corvair Ranch, Inc.
(2g) All disputes, if an agreement of resolution cannot be reached between the
customer and the Corvair Ranch, Inc., will be arbitrated by a 3-member
committee, composed of members chosen and approved by both parties. Those
members drawn either from the Corvair community or other group also to
be agreed upon by both parties.
(2h) It is the customer's responsibility to clearly describe what work is to be
performed and what standards are expected. It is the responsibility of the
Corvair Ranch, Inc to either agree to that standard or to list exceptions on the
estimate form in a manner that is understood by both parties and that both parties
must agree to both the accepted standards and the exceptions. If, during the
process of repair or restoration, agreed upon standards and exceptions cannot be
met, the customer must be notified (in writing) by means of an amended work
order (form CR1) and must respond before work continues in such a manner
that is not in conformance with the signed original work order (form CR1)
(2i) It is reasonable and expected, that, during the repair/restoration process
of older vehicles such as the Corvair that problems will arise. These problems
may be the unavailability of a desired part or service, the discovery of hidden
damage/rust, etc, or other difficulties either where excessive cost and or time
becomes a factor. While the Corvair Ranch, Inc has long and extensive experience
in the repair/restoration of these vehicles, there may be services required that are
outside the scope of the Corvair Ranch, Inc. and must be either "sub-contracted"
or declined. If and when these issues arise, the customer may be assured that they
will be fully advised, both verbally and in writing and that they (the customer)
will have the opportunity to agree to accept or decline before work continues.
(2j) All work performed by either "sub-contractors" or other vendors approved by
both the Corvair Ranch, Inc and the customer will meet the standards agreed upon
and must meet the standards represented by the Corvair Ranch, Inc. Any work not
meeting those agreed-upon standards will be corrected at no additional cost to the
(2k) The original form CRI agreed to and signed by The Corvair Ranch, Inc., and
the customer will be maintained with the work order and other paperwork that
pertains to that particular automobile. A photocopy will be given to the customer
at the time of the signing of the agreement. Any subsequent, additional, or
amended copies that have been proposed due to changes and conditions as
specified in sections 2d, 2e, 2h & 2i and signed by both The Corvair Ranch, Inc.
will have their originals fastened in a permanent manner to the original form CRI
and a photocopy provided to the customer at the time of agreement.
(21) Warranties: The Corvair Ranch, Inc, will warranty work done on it's premises
or performed by vendors (as defined in section 2i) and perform repairs as
necessary if either parts or labor installed or performed by The Corvair Ranch, Inc
or it's authorized sub contractors requires correction to correct a defect. Under no
circumstances will the Corvair Ranch, Inc pay for or consider compensation to
correct any defect in workmanship or materials if those corrections are performed
at any other facility other than The Corvair Ranch, Inc or it's authorized vendors.
(2m) All warranties offered and or extended to the customer on parts and labor
will be fully agreed to upon acceptance of the completed vehicle or sub-assembly.
Any such warranties will be specified as to duration, either mileage or time and
clearly listed on the final bill, unless such warranties are clearly offered and
accepted by both parties at the time of initial acceptance of estimate. There will be
NO warrantee, expressed or implied on ANY engine used for any form of racing,
nor shall any warrantee be offered on any engines specifically built for racing.
(2n) The Corvair Ranch, Inc, will, under no circumstances, assume any liability in
the usage of customer-supplied parts. Use of customer-supplied parts is assumed
to be entirely at the customer's risk, and only those customer-supplied parts that
are determined to be either safe and/or appropriate for the particular application
will be considered for use.
(20) There will be no refunds on any purchases or deposits. A full in-house credit,
usable for either parts or labor will be issued in all cases, such credits to be used
within (24) twenty-four calendar months.
(2p) If, by reason of dissatisfaction or inability to resolve problems or defects
resulting from parties other than The Corvair Ranch, Inc. performing services
upon any vehicle or sub-assembly (engine, transmission, etc.), the customer
desires such problems or defects to be corrected by The Corvair Ranch, Inc., the
following procedures will be followed: (1) Customer will be requested to contact
the party performing the disputed services to attempt to resolve said dispute. (2) If
such attempts fail and customer prefers The Corvair Ranch, Inc. to correct such
problems or defects, such correction will be made only if customer agrees that all
work will be undertaken as if the vehicle or sub-assembly has never been worked
on previously, IE: Disassembly, correction and use of parts/labor supplied by The
Corvair Ranch, Inc. as per an estimate on form CRl, agreed to and signed by both
The Corvair Ranch, Inc and the customer. The Corvair Ranch, Inc. will not
correct any problems or defects unless all work performed is to the standards set
out in preceding sections of this manual.
(3) Fair and Lawful Treatment of Employees-Rights & Responsibilities
The goal of the Corvair Ranch, Inc. is to provide a safe, friendly and stable work
environment for all employees, a stable and professional staff being necessary to
insure profitability and continuity of operation. A cooperation of management and
staff is necessary, both to achieve the goals and standards of The Corvair Ranch, Inc.,
but to also provide proper incentive, stability and harmony in the workplace.
In order to achieve this, the following standards and policies are established:
(3a) The Corvair Ranch, Inc, in all areas of employee relations & treatment will
fully comply with Pennsylvania State Law as delineated by the rules established by
the Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau if Labor Law Compliance as pertains
to compensation, hours, work standards, safety and any other pertinent areas
(3b) Applications for employment will be considered confidential in nature by
management of The Corvair Ranch, Inc. No information contained therein will be
disclosed to anyone other than those directly responsible with the hiring process.
Applications will list previous positions held, length of employment, compensation
and reason(s) for resignation/termination.
(3c) It is assumed that all references listed on applications for employment at The
Corvair Ranch, Inc. are true and verifiable. If, during the checking of references or
during the probationary period of employment, any misrepresentation by the
applicant/probationary employee on the application may result in non-consideration
or termination of the position offered.
(3d) There shall be established a 90-day probationary period for new employees.
If, after this period, the employee's work and conduct are satisfactory and have met
goals stated in the job description stated at time of hire, the position will be then
considered permanent, either full or part-time as needed. An evaluation, conducted by
the employee's direct supervisor, will establish this status by means of a review
conducted at the completion of the 90-day probationary period.
(3e) An annual review will be given to each employee on the anniversary of
hislher hire date. This review will take to form of a personal, private and confidential
meeting between the employee and his/her direct supervisor or other member of the
management of The Corvair Ranch, Inc. Each employee will be evaluated in (3)
areas: (1) Job performance: (incorporates all aspects, including timeliness, quality
of work performed, care of tools and use of supplies, skill improvement, etc) (2)
Teamwork: Working well with others, using talents/skill of others to aid completion
of tasks, sharing of skills both in assisting and teaching others. (3) Customer Service:
Interaction with customers, giving full, complete and cheerful responses to inquiries
and concerns, honesty and forthright in all dealings. Creating a positive image for The
Corvair Ranch, Inc and all it's staff and services. The employee will be rated as
follows (4) Failed to meet standards: Returns to probationary status (termination
possible if already on probation) (3) Needs improvement (areas to be specified) (2)
Satisfactory: Meets standards in all areas (1) Superior: Exceeds Standards in all areas.
(3f) The Annual Review shall establish the basis for additional compensation.
Only employees meeting standards (1) and (2) in section 3e shall be eligible for
increases in compensation. Management will determine increases in compensation
with consideration to the profitability of current or anticipated operations. Any
increases will accrue from anniversary date or nearest pay period to the employee's
(3g) To be in compliance with applicable State laws and to provide a safe working
environment, The Corvair Ranch, Inc. declares its property and environs a Drug-Free
workplace. A zero-tolerance policy towards any illegal substance is established.
Possession, use or sale of any illegal substance shall be grounds for immediate
dismissal. Due to the hazardous nature of the work performed, use of alcoholic
beverages or intoxicants during working hours is prohibited and such use will
constitute grounds for immediate dismissal.
(3h) Compensation and Benefits: Salary and/or hourly rates of pay will be
established at time of hire, adjusted at the successful completion of the probationary
period and at annual reviews. Eligibility for benefits, such as health/dental/eye care,
will be established for full, part-time and salaried staff. Full-time employment is
defined as more than 35 hours a week, calculated annually, part time is defined as less
than 35 hours a week, calculated annually. Salaried positions will be considered both
full-time and exempt from hourly requirements.
(4) Establishment and Preservation of A Safe Working Environment.
It is the policy of The Corvair Ranch, Inc. to provide a safe working environment
and will take aggressive steps to correct any working conditions, which pose a threat to
the safety and/or health of the employee. Safety equipment or personal protective
attire/devices required or necessary to properly and safely perform a task or operation
will be provided by The Corvair Ranch, Inc. No employee will perform such
tasks/operations without proper safety equipment. All paints, chemicals and substances
that may cause injury shall be properly stored and used. An MSDS manual will be
established and maintained in current status and will be available to any employee
required to use any material within listed in the completion of his/her assigned tasks.
It is understood that the type of operations performed in the repair/restoration of
automobiles is inherently hazardous, and all possible steps will be taken to minimize
those risks and hazards.
(4a) No employee shall undertake a task that he/she feels presents an
unreasonable risk of injury to his or her person.
(4b) The Corvair Ranch, Inc, will not require any employee to perform any task
that he/she does not consider qualified to perform. If additional training is required to
safely perform any task, proper training will be offered and the employee's qualifications
to perform such task will be evaluated after such training.
(4c) It is the responsibility of each employee to report to management or their
direct supervisor, any condition, which presents risk of injury to either them, or any other
(4d) It is the responsibility of The Corvair Ranch, Inc. to promptly correct any
work situation or condition that poses a workplace hazard to its employees.
(4e) The Corvair Ranch, Inc, will maintain all tools and equipment used by
employees to performed their assigned tasks and operations in safe working condition
and will perform regular inspections of such equipment to insure such condition. Any
equipment found to be in any condition other than safe and serviceable would be
removed from use until repaired or replaced. Employees will promptly report any
damaged, worn or unsafe/unserviceable tools or equipment to management or their
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